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The Paris Agreement: Analysis, Assessment and Outlook


The Paris Agreement: Analysis, Assessment and Outlook

Background paper for the workshop "Beyond COP21: what does Paris mean for future climate policy?"


Bodle, Ralph, Lena Donat and Matthias Duwe (2016). The Paris Agreement: Analysis, Assessment and Outlook. German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) Research Paper. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt.

Ecologic Institute's new research paper provides a comprehensive overview and assessment of the Paris Agreement, including the agreed next steps, an outlook on implementation and key political messages. It is now available for download.

Key messages are:

  • The Paris Agreement is a landmark in climate policy and a watershed in differentiating between developing and developed countries.
  • Its core legal obligations are mainly procedural, but the Paris Agreement's political narrative goes way beyond its legal text.
  • The Paris outcome is a long-term policy commitment that sends a signal to all relevant non-party actors, including business and investors, that the transformation begins now.
  • At the same time, the approach taken by the Paris Agreement is an experiment that relies on the national determination of efforts combined with the persuasive impact of the transparency framework and the regular taking stock of progress.
  • The political momentum that was captured in Paris needs to be maintained.
  • Capacity has to be created for the progressive preparation and technical implementation of NDCs.
  • The Paris Agreement's procedural approach means that further details could be crucial for safeguarding ambition.


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30 pp.
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